Soul Warriors

Welome to Soul Warriors

What is a Soul Warrior?

A Soul Warrior is a woman who fights to make our world a better place. Big ways, small ways, she’s a fighter for those around her and the planet at large. Being a Soul Warrior isn’t about what’s on the outside (money, image, looks, etc.), it’s about what’s on the inside – the power that’s innately in all of us to bring joy and good to the world!

A Soul Warrior steps up. When people are in need, she’s there. And when she’s in need, she has the self-compassion to reach out (or in) for the help she needs. Being a Soul Warrior is, at its core, about loving people – including ourselves.

Some ways a Soul Warrior fights the good fight include:

Doing charity work for causes she’s passionate about
Seeing needs in her community and finding ways to fill them – Running clothing drives, starting a food bank, helping an elderly neighbor with tasks that keep them independent … the options are limitless!
Getting out of their comfort zone for the greater good – From building wells in third-world countries to volunteering at a homeless shelter, Soul Warriors aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty for a good cause.
Helping out a friend in need
Better yet – helping out a STRANGER in need
Treating everyone – from the busboy to a CEO – with respect, because all people deserve to have their souls acknowledged
Modeling the behavior she wants to see in the world

Why be a Soul Warrior?

Fulfillment comes not from what we do for ourselves, but what we do for others. Yep, that is scientifically proven, over and over again. So your entry into the army of Soul Warriors doesn’t just help the world, it helps you, too!

When we serve each other and our communities, we establish connections that are so critical to nourishing our souls. As humans, and especially as women, we thrive on the connections we make. With each new link, we become a little stronger and a little more at peace – almost like each person we meet adds to the soul of who we are.

What you’ll find in the Soul Warriors section of my website

The Soul Warriors section of my website is where you’ll find articles on how you can contribute to a better world, news on my charity work and mission trips, and info on organizations that need your help! Check it out often, and let’s put your Soul Warrior skills to work together!

Got a cause or story you’d like featured in Soul Warriors?

I’d love to help you spread the word! Just fill out the form here and I’ll do my best to get your cause/story on my blog!


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