Soul Warriors
Tina Majerle featured in January 2018 issue of So Scottsdale’s “People To Watch 2018”!
January 5, 2018
Soul Warriors
Soul Warrior Service
December 6, 2017
Soul Warriors
Welome to Soul Warriors
September 25, 2017
Service with a Purpose. How are you giving your Soul’s gift to the world?
January 5, 2018
December 6, 2017
September 25, 2017
When we honor who we are as soulful women, we become courageous in our vulnerability, therefore allowing true connection with ourselves and others granting us the permission to be human and still loved.
This site, and my book, The Soul of a Woman, are my contributions to the global sisterhood of women. Articles that help us better ourselves, live healthier lives, and nourish who we are as women so we can empower each other to reach as high as we want to go.
My goal is to help my soul sisters cultivate beauty, power and purpose in their lives -- changing the world one sister at a time.