Soul Sisters Circle
Soul Beautiful – Julia R.
October 25, 2017
To me, someone that is SOUL Beautiful is someone that finds beauty in all that is around them. Someone that can laugh at themselves and someone that appreciates the little things. SOUL Beautiful is something that is within all of…
Soul Sisters Circle
Soul Strong – Alice Avila
October 25, 2017
When I think of a Soul Strong, it is so easy to think of Gloria Gaynor's song "I will Survive". Yet for me I define the Soul Strong as tenacity, strength, determination, perseverance, self-love and loyalty to the self. I…
Soul Sisters Circle
Soul Beautiful – Michelle Woodfield
October 25, 2017
"Soul Beautiful" means to me internal beauty. Your heart, your goodness, your love, your relationship with our Heavenly Father and your relationships with family, friends, and even strangers. It is an internal beauty that radiates to the outside and hopefully…
Soul Sisters Circle
Soul of a Hustler – Ashlyn Bradshaw
October 16, 2017
What does it mean to be a hustler? The definition says it's to be a go-getter. I say its to chase my dreams and work hard every day to achieve them. I don't let the demanding hours of Senior year…
Soul Sisters Circle
Welcome to the Soul Sisters Circle
October 9, 2017
We stand by each other through the struggles that life brings our way. We uplift each other when we are feeling low. We take pride in our sisters' accomplishments and feel the pain of every failure. We are each other's…