She is passionate about changing lives and inspiring people to understand their worth. As a Life Coach, Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner and Author, she believes women can cultivate happiness, beauty, power, purpose and connection through sisterhood and intentional living, all starting from within.
“I have always been interested in health, wellness, and nutrition since college, it is something that has always been in me, it is an intrinsic passion of mine. Twenty years ago, through an experience, God laid it on my heart to write a book for women to help bring a bond of sisterhood that goes beyond our friendships,” explains Majerle. “It is more of a universal connection, and I couldn’t be happier, that with my children getting older, I finally have the ability to take the time to fulfill this chapter of my life.”
Majerle has an inspirational website, soulofawoman.com, where she shares stories and ways to help women get through some of the everyday worries and life’s tough chapters. In addition, she also hosts workshops for women, “I am a positive psychology practitioner, so when we do retreats and workshops for women we apply many of those methodologies, and they seem to help people really understand how to cultivate the happiness and life they want from within.”
In addition to helping women through her self-help workshops and events, she gives back to her community with the same enthusiasm. “I truly believe we are called to serve others. So through my business and my personal life, I serve others through many different avenues. I sit on the Auxiliary board of NotMyKid, and I also have been on committees for The Heart Ball and other charities, and I have chaired Make A Wish foundations Wish Ball. I do mission work as well, which I find so fulfilling and rewarding. For example, we helped build homes and provide food and clothing while exchanging bonds of love with families in the village of Cristo Ray, Nicaragua. I believe the biggest and most important part of our life’s purpose is to exchange a moral transaction between another and ourselves. It brings light to our soul being in a way nothing else can.”
“My mission is to help women cultivate their beauty, power, and purpose while building a connection for women in a form of sisterhood where we grow together in kindness, compassion, accountability and love for one another,” she explains.
Looking forward to 2018, Majerle has some exciting plans. “My company just launched in 2017, and we plan on continued growth while helping to achieve attainable goals for others. My book will be published in 2018, and available for sale toward the end of the year. I am truly grateful that God laid this on my heart so heavily. It is something on which I am applying all my efforts and working very hard with the hope that it brings comfort, peace and purpose to many women.
Contact Tina Majerle at 480.363.0501 or soulofawoman.com.
Read more from So Scottsdale here.
Hi Tina ~
Your important work has already helped me in such positive ways. Wish I lived in AZ so I could attend a workshop! 💗🌷